As the lead booker, you will receive a notification from the App once we have sent you all the Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) for your party. Your Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) will be displayed on the Tickets tab and if there is more than one party member attending, then you can swipe right to see the additional Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) for the same event and select these to forward on.
On each Lions Rugby Travel event ticket there will be the option to transfer. If required, simply click Transfer and enter the contact details of the recipient who will then receive a notification and will be prompted to download the App if they have not already done so. If you have multiple travellers in your booking, please transfer Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) to your fellow travellers as soon as received, which will enable them to receive informative notifications when sent and keep them up to date.
Please note that if you have multiple events to Lions Rugby Travel event’s across the tournament you will not receive Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) for all events at once, these will be distributed separately.
For security purposes, the Lions Rugby Travel event QR code will only appear on the Lions Rugby Travel event ticket within your App 12 – 48 hours before the event, however, you may transfer the Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s) without this showing.
Upon arrival at the event, all party members will need to have their Lions Rugby Travel event ticket ready to scan on their own device so you will need to ensure you have an adequate battery supply on your phone.
Please do not attempt to screenshot your Lions Rugby Travel event ticket(s), as this may cause it to be blocked or cancelled.
Upon arrival at Lions Rugby Travel event your Lions Rugby Travel Event ticket(s) will be scanned, and you will be handed a wristband which must be worn throughout the event.

We will also use the App as a means of communicating with you (the Lead Booker) throughout the tournament so please do enable push notifications so that these can appear on the home screen of your phone.
Your tickets for Lions Rugby Travel events will be available through the Lions Rugby Travel App follow the steps below to set up your app.
Each individual party member will need to display a ticket , Please follow the steps in the guide below to transfer your tickets.
Your Lions Rugby Travel app will be your ticket to the greatest pre-match entertainment, find frequently asked questions below.